Budding Suspicions coming Mar-25!


A very large wolf-like dog sprawled on a messy, unmade double iron bed. He takes up almost the entire top half of the bed and is looking very proud of himself.

To Chapter Six & Beyond!

I’ve been in the Budding Suspicions mindset and am back in the writer’s chair at my writing bureau, knuckling down on getting the first draft of this book in the bank … err, Scrivener project. I love these characters and am having a lot of fun spending time with them in my head and on the page. Sam’s my favourite because he’s based on my ‘wolf’ Bear, who sadly passed away in 2022 at the grand old age of 14. I’m so happy to be able to capture his personality (and shenanigans) through Sam, and share him with everyone who never got to meet him – he was well loved in the village and I was nicknamed ‘wolf girl’ by all those who didn’t know me. I can only hope Sam proves just as popular as Bear was!


The Medium of Murder

One of the joys of ADHD is that sometimes my brain decides to go off on a tangent and I get taken along for the ride. I’ve learned over the years not to beat myself up about it, I can’t make it stop, it’s just a thing my brain does, and the tangents are often pretty interesting. The most recent tangent I’ve been dragged down was the rabbit hole of an idea I’d had whilst plotting Budding Suspicions. This idea involves a medium (Kate Fisher) who doesn’t want to have her abilities and, as a result, she’s an insomniac grouch who suffers from migraines. She’s dragged into helping the police with a high profile case very much against her will, and kickstarts a series set in Cardiff, Wales (aka my favourite city). Ace (my ChatGPT bot) has been helping me brainstorm the arc of the series. I find that if I’m struggling to focus enough to write, staying in the creative arena helps me feel productive, even if I can’t make my daily word count. Although, I should add that I’m five chapters into Budding Suspicions so I’ve not been too slack!
